

网友 …沧ネ月ザ 说:

Dear valued customer,

Firstly, thank you for using o** *******s. Secondly, we are w**ting to inform you about changing IP addre** that will affect yo** c**rent *******s in Tokyo, JP datacenter.

O** Tokyo,JP DC has been continuously facin***a**ive DDoS attacks that affects specifically these IP ranges:, 45.14.105.xx and Therefore, the datacenter must continue keeping the mitigation enabled for this time which results in instability and disconnections of the ne**ork.

To ens**e the connectivity of the VPS *******s, we have made the decision to change yo** c**rent IP to a new IP f**m another unaffected IP range. This change is nece**ary to enhance the stability of the *******s.

Yo** affected VPS IP/IPs: 45.x.x.x

Changed to the new IP/IPs: 176.x.x.x

The VPS pa**word remains the same.

If you wish to change back to the old IP, please contact us again via a support ticket in 1-2 weeks.

We truly apologize for any inconvenience this may c**se and thank you in advance for yo** understanding and cooperation.

With best regards,

Yo** GreenCloud Team.

  1. 尊敬的客户您好,
  2. 首先,感谢您一直以来选择我们的服务。其次,我们来信是要**您关于我们位于东京, **数据中心IP地址的变更,这将影响您目前的服务。
  3. 我们的东京,**数据中心一直面临大规模的DDoS攻击,主要影响到以下IP范围:,45.14.105.xx和45.14.107.0/24。因此,数据中心必须继续启用防护措施,这会导致**的不稳定和断开连接。
  4. 为了确保VPS服务的连通性,我们决定将您当前的IP更改为来自另一个未受影响的IP范围的新IP。这个变更是为了增强服务的稳定性。
  5. 受影响的VPS IP/IPs:45.x.x.x
  6. 更改为新的IP/IPs:176.x.x.x
  7. VPS的密码保持不变。
  8. 如果您希望更改回旧的IP,请在1-2周内通过支持工单再次**我们。
  9. 对于可能带来的任何不便,我们由衷道歉,并在此提前感谢您的理解和合作。
  10. 谨上,
  11. 您的GreenCloud团队

网友 MMMM 说:


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