

网友 pdd_nb 说:

现在状态:一台机消失不见 (扣费但是面板里没有)
工单大意:手动开不出来,要么升8刀套餐 要么删除实例。

We would like to extend o** sincerest apologies for the recent i**ues you expe**enced with o** ne**ork in Seoul and **ei. This resulted in yo** instances becoming unreachable on the 3$ plan.

We understand the inconvenience this has c**sed and we want to a****e you that we are taking steps to pr***nt similar i**ues f**m occ****ng in the fut**e. We would like to offer you the option of upgrading to the 8$ plan, which is the minimum available in these Asian regions, to ens**e the **ooth and uninterrupted operation of yo** instances. Alternatively, if you prefer to terminate yo** *******, you may do so f**m yo** panel.

We value yo** busine** and appreciate yo** understanding in this matter. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any f**ther *uestions or concerns.

网友 燕十三丶 说:


网友 **** 说:


网友 escn 说:


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