

网友 lxz7758521 说:

*帖最后由 lxz7758521 于 2023-4-5 20:15 编辑

Dear VirMach customers,

Please refer to the ne**ork status page regarding connectivity i**ue on the existing IPv4.

To attempt to reduce this outage, we will be a**i**ing a new IPv4 addre** to yo** *******(s) in Frankf**t and Amsterdam. We will attempt to communicate this change to you as soon as po**ible, via support ticket, but in case you do not receive this communication, you should check the &*uot;VPS Cont**l Panel&*uot; for yo** updated IPv4 addre** which may either be the &*uot;main&*uot; IP addre** or listed as a secondary. We apologize for lack of notice. This is being done as an emergency so we were unable to notify you beforehand.

Once the new IPv4 addre** is a**i**ed, please make s**e to set it as the main IPv4 addre** and &*uot;reconfig**e ne**orking&*uot; or manually change the IPv4 addre** within yo** VPS using VNC. If you have any *uestions please feel free to reply to the ticket generated for the change or ****** a ticket, how***r, please note we may be dealing with ***dreds or thousands of ticket re*uests so response may be delayed.

Thank you,

The VirMach Team

尊敬的 VirMach 客户,

请参阅有关现有 IPv4 连接问题的**状态页面。

为了尝试减少这种中断,我们将为您在法兰克福和阿姆斯特丹的服务分配一个新的 IPv4 地址。我们将尝试通过支持票尽快将此更改传达给您,但如果您没有收到此**,您应该**“VPS 控制面板”以获取更新的 IPv4 地址,该地址可能是“主要”地址IP 地址或列为次要地址。对于没有**,我们深表歉意。这是紧急情况,因此我们无法事先**您。

一旦分配了新的 IPv4 地址,请确保将其设置为主 IPv4 地址并“重新配置**”或使用 VNC 在您的 VPS 中手动更改 IPv4 地址。如果您有任何问题,请随时回复为更改生成的工单或创建工单,但是请注意,我们可能正在处理数百或数千个工单请求,因此响应可能会延迟。


VirMach 团队


网友 *太龙 说:

啥意思? 这是移机?

网友 lxz7758521 说:

*太龙 发表于 2023-4-5 20:18
啥意思? 这是移机?
网友 *太龙 说:

lxz7758521 发表于 2023-4-5 20:19
网友 lxz7758521 说:

*太龙 发表于 2023-4-5 20:20
网友 *太龙 说:

lxz7758521 发表于 2023-4-5 20:30

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