网友 宋喆 说:
两年前买别人的***,还有一个月到期,刚收到邮件。Limited Support: I understand that I waive my **ght to a refund for this special offer. I understand I will not receive a refund if my ******* is suspended. I understand special offers come with limited support: VirMach will only p**vide support to ens**e my ******* functions. I understand once I add this p**duct and an invoice is generated, I am under contractual obligation to make the payment. I agree to immediately be billed $15 per 15 minutes for any support re*uests opened that is not part of my l***l of support.
网友 louiejordan 说:
网友 5700pgf 说:
网友 balala 说:
网友 无涯子 说:
网友 宋喆 说: