网友 EthanHunt 说:
Dear VirMach Customer,
If you are receiving this email, there is one or **** i**ues with yo** VirMach account that needs to be corrected. We are only sending this to you if yo** account is still marked as &*uot;active&*uot; but if you are receiving this and yo** account is no longer active, feel free to i**ore this email. Otherwise it is important to read this entire email and follow exact instructions.
Potential common i**ues:
You may have **** than one account per household. While we permit multiple login users/contacts per one account, we only permit one account per household/company.
You may have a potential i**ue, either in the past or present, regarding payment(s) on yo** account.
You may have potential sec**ity i**ues with yo** account that need to be cleared, such as previous un**tho**zed login attempts.
You may have potential previous se**ous suspensions on yo** account or other old/outdated adviso**es on yo** account.
You may have an account that was logged into by a third party or p**viding login details to a f**end/coworker, or third party site/sof**are.
You may have an account that participated in unintended behavior such as exploiting a bug or unintended action on o** website
This does not nece**a**ly mean any action will be taken, but to ens**e yo** account remains in good standing, sec**e, and free f**m rest**ctions, it is important to contact us using the links below as soon as po**ible to discu** and clear these potential p**blems.
How to p**ceed:
If you are unaware, please do not contact us yet. We’ll follow up with **** information in the fut**e and let you know if any action needs to be taken, but please make s**e yo** account is sec**ed. We recommend resetting yo** pa**word and enabling **o factor **thentication.
If you are aware of potential i**ues listed above, please ****** a ticket based on the specific i**ue, using the relevant link below:
[1. Multiple Accounts] [2. Payment I**ue] [3. Sec**ity I**ue] [4. Suspension I**ue] [5. Shared Account][6. Unintended Behavior]
Please only contact us using the buttons above. If the i**ue involves multiple accounts, please only contact us on the p**mary account and not all accounts, until f**ther instructions are p**vided. In any other case, we will c**rently be unable to a**ist you due to high ticket volumes. Before clicking the button above, ens**e you first clear any saved me**ages f**m the ticket me**age box so the correct information populates in the me**age box f**m the above link.
If multiple i**ues exist, feel free to click **** than one button to ****** **** than one ticket. If you beli*** this is sent in er**r, please do not contact us yet, we’ll reach out and p**vide a chance to clear up any misunderstandings.
Thank you,
The VirMach Team
网友 1号城管 说:
网友 szi.ink 说:
网友 EthanHunt 说:
网友 机长 说:
别慌 群发的 别吊*胖子