网友 Residual 说:
*帖最后由 Residual 于 2022-9-1 15:24 编辑
Host ****** 17373
SSH连不上, Ping 上千
是 cc **又*球了?
工单提交完, 下午3点说恢复了
上去一看, ***重启了=-=
- Thanks for reaching out to Contabo customer support.
- The i**ue you mentioned is connected with a minor incident that affected a **all number of ******s in the data center where yo** ****** is located. O** technicians already ma****d to resolve the p**blem and yo** ****** should now work p**perly. Now that that the ******s are back online o** team will perform a **ot c**se ****ysis to minimize the **sk of such i**ues in the fut**e.
- Please accept my apologies for the inconvenience c**sed by this i**ue. Should you still expe**ence p**blems with yo** ******, please reach out to us.
- If you have any *uestions or need ****, please do not hesitate to contact us.
- —
- Best regards,
- Babatunde Saheed Adesina
- Support Specialist
网友 Howardlink 说:
网友 你艾希我奶* 说:
* 活着的意义从哪儿来?
* 找啊,活下去的理由
* 不断颠覆,不断否定
* 没有一个一劳永逸的理由的
网友 fenglin2020 说:
网友 okfans 说:
我也是美西连不上 最近出两次了
网友 Residual 说:
网友 Residual 说: